As a nutritionist the question of cow’s milk is by far one of the most controversial topics when I speak […]
Laura Kopec Wellness Zinc
A lot of us having been adding extra zinc to help our immune systems. But is it too much? Did […]
Laura Kopec Wellness Podcast
The Digestive System: A brief overview of the digestive system from brain, to stomach, all the way to the end […]
Laura Kopec Wellness Dr. Jennifer Burbage-Vieth
Announcing Dr. Jennifer Burbage-Vieth, DNP, APRN, NP-C Looking for a provider to write your Rx or give you a diagnosis […]
Dr. Sandy Gluckman has been working with parents that have dysregulated nervous systems. The degree and level of this dysregulation […]
I tell my kids I am responsible for raising them in three areas: mind, body, spirit. For their mind I […]

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Nutrigenomics with Laura