Laura Kopec Wellness Lifeboost Coffee
Alkaline coffee has tremendous health benefits. To make your morning coffee into a healthy drink, start with coffee free of […]
History:             The almond is thought to have originated in western Asia and North Africa.  Almonds were a prized ingredient […]
The desire for citrus fruits increased greatly after the 1890s when physicians found that people suffering from scurvy (a disease […]
In terms of quantity, the oat is the fourth leading grain in the United States, behind corn, wheat, and sorghum.  […]
Sunflowers are native to both North and South America, where indigenous people were the first to cultivate them.  Sunflowers have […]
Turmeric is a member of the ginger family that is extensively cultivated in India, China, Indonesia, and other tropical countries.  […]
Oregano is native to northern Europe.  Greeks and Romans regarded oregano as a symbol of joy and happiness.  Appropriately, it […]
The taste and aroma of the herb rosemary, historically used for strengthening the memory, are unforgettable. Rosemary’s name means “dew […]
 Apple   History:             The apple holds a special place in many historical and mythical realms, beginning with the biblical […]
Salmon is perhaps the most incredible fish in many ways.  Although born in fresh water, salmon spend a good portion […]

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Nutrigenomics with Laura